I just had the most beautiful meditation and miracles lesson. The lesson for today, W-42 is titled, God is my strength, vision is his gift explains that nothing is random. God's power and strength is always available to us and that nothing happens by accident. We can always call upon his strength to sustain and guide us.
The exercise was to spend three to five minutes repeating the lesson and thinking of ideas associated with the Iesson. At first I felt a twinge of doubt that I would not be able to come up with many associated ideas. But once I read that it is not up to us to think of the ideas, but to simply allow them to come, I decided to trust that they would...
My trust was rewarded with beautiful thoughts related to the idea for the day that flowed freely and effortlessly! It is such a lovely and encouraging feeling to know that we are supported by God, no matter where we are or what the circumstance.
It gives me the most peaceful feeling. It's interesting how the Course teaches that the development of trust is so difficult to develop on the spiritual path and indeed it is... Basically, one step forward and two steps back.
But once trust is practiced again and again, one starts to gain the encouragement that it is real and that we are supported. I can't honestly say that I personally exist in that state of trust continually, but when I do, it is truly a sweet place to be.
I mean the confidence level and sense of peace soar tremendously. I notice that calling on the angels is a wonderful experience as well. They always come through. Building my relationship with God however, almost feels like a re-building because upon reflection, when I was young, my trust that God was ever present was very strong.
After several years of studying the Course however, I don't think most of us fully realise the extent to which our spiritual progress had been hi-jacked by the ego... What I mean is, because the level of metaphysics in the Course is so deep, we naturally begin to intellectualise the material. I don't believe it's a conscious decision, I just think that we do. Perhaps it's our burning desire to prove we can grasp it, perhaps we are just desperate for peace?
Either way, rolled up in our intellectualisation, we start to exclude God from the whole thing (many of my students even forget to build a relationship with HS). In fact, I've heard students say that they are quite uncomfortable with the concept of God period. As a result, they simply neglect to include that one little detail in the Course's curriculum and dismiss God in their mind as a technicality!
I'm not saying that I've intentionally tried to dismiss God, but let's face it, He often gets put on the back burner in my practice and I go straight to HS. Which in the long run is the Voice for God, so that's fine, but ultimately forgetting about God is a classic ego tactic for why we created the entire illusion to begin with... To hide from God.
Anyway, these are just a few of my thoughts on the matter. I however was quite pleased this morning to have such beautiful reminders that God is more than real, in the universe and in my experience if I choose but to remember Him.
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