As I’m sure you’ll agree this has been a very exciting week in the news and indeed right within many of our very own communities as we watched with shock and awe (and most likely lots of judgment) out of control rioting, looting and plain old “insane” behaviour tearing across Britain. What seemed to be the worst was that many of the crimes we witnessed were being carried out by the very representation of innocence – our beloved children.
We listened intently as the BBC interviewed person after person from both ends of the spectrum espousing views of where the blame for this outrage should be placed: Parents; teachers; government; society; consumerism; the media. We’ve even had a few of our own ideas flying here and there!
At the end of the day however, when all is said and done is blame, guilt and attack really the solution to any of the problems we perceive going on around us? Is “fixing” parents, teachers, government and society really going to bring us true and lasting peace? The answer is of course not.
A Course in Miracles says that this world as we experience it is a place of fear governed by the laws of chaos where everything seems to be under constant attack and in which all things must die (see T-23:11). In fact, it is very clear about the nature of the world; the reason why it is the way we see it and the only solution that can ever bring us true and lasting peace…
“Christ-Vision” also known as “true perception” is a very different way of seeing people and things that comes out of a place of right-mindedness and looks upon what the Course calls “the real world.” It looks past our insane illusions of attack and guilt onto a world that is healed and whole as it was originally created and truly exists even now. It sees that we are not separate and alone, fearful and helpless victims, but safe in the Arms of Love at all times.
This way of seeing is not a naive fantasy or a “Polly-Anna” like wish to see everything through rose-tinted glasses, but a very real approach to letting go of fear in what seems to be an ever changing and very unpredictable world. True perception is in fact our natural sight and is available to us whenever we want it and best of all, it can be applied to everything!
Cultivating this Christ-Vision should be the foremost focus on the mind of any and every spiritual student as it is the first step in awakening from the dream of separation and suffering no matter what your spiritual path or religious affiliation. At the highest level it is really the only real solution to the seeming problems of the world we face each and every day. Truly, when given to the Holy Spirit, all things, even “national crisis” can be used for His purpose of awakening.
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