Friday, 18 July 2008

"Angels Hover Near"

“You do not walk alone. God’s angels hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you, and of this be sure; I will never leave you comfortless (W-Ep.6:7-8).” This is one of my favourite quotes from A Course in Miracles because not only is it a loving reminder in the final pages of the workbook that God’s Presence is always with us, it also tells us about God’s diligent helpers the angels.

Although there are numerous referrals to angels in the Course, and much talk is always going on about angels in many spiritual circles, what exactly are they and how can they help us? A best-selling metaphysical author Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. says in her booklet, Guidebook for the Archangel’s Oracle Cards, ‘Angels are messengers from the Creator to the created, who help us with every area of our lives. They protect us and guide us, bringing about peace on earth, one person at a time.”

She also explains they have no space or time restrictions, so they can simultaneously be with everyone who calls on them and they have unique, personalized experiences and exchanges with all of us. They are happy to help us with everyday concerns at any time because they are unlimited beings (as are we) and a person need not have any particular spiritual or religious beliefs in order to benefit from their assistance.

The spiritual author Angela McGerr has also written much about the angels and shares that there are legions and legions of them just waiting to help us. In her beautiful book, “An Angel for Everyday” she informs us there are angels working in every imaginable area of concern to humans and are empowered by God Himself to serve us.

Historically, angels have been present in many Christian, Catholic, Jewish and Islamic religions, but have been mostly prevalent in the teachings of the ancient Essenes. The Essenes, a path many believe that was followed by Jesus himself, actually developed a practice of rituals called Angelology designed to connect followers daily with the powerful energies of the angels using the natural elements such as air, earth and water.

So how do we utilize the services of the angels? There are numerous ways said to connect with them. Like people, they all have various names, titles, colour correspondences and functions, but most importantly all we really need to do is ask! Because of free will, angels, like Holy Spirit, cannot barge their way into our lives. They must be invited. But to ask for specific help is usually the best approach so the appropriate messenger may be dispatched.

How do we know which messenger is the ‘right one?’ Like all things, we can call upon Holy Spirit’s guidance to assist with calling on the correct angel. Angels can help to bring us new ideas, correlate meetings with certain people, inspire us, overcome difficulties, rescue us from danger; guide us on sacred adventures, help us to be patient, the list goes on and on…

Whatever our need may be, we can be certain that angels are all around waiting to answer our call. I seem to connect with them best when in nature taking a stroll around the lake. I feel their energy strongest when contemplating their loving qualities such as nurturing, friendship and as messengers of Light. Information about angels is available online, in books, art and scripture. Something that really touched my heart was to learn that angels could actually become sedentary awaiting our call because it is there sole purpose to help us.

But does this mean that angels are our only helpers in addition to the Holy Spirit? The Course tells us ‘that there are many helpers.’ In workbook lesson 266 it says, “Father, You gave me all Your Sons, to be my saviours and my counsellors in sight; the bearers of Your holy Voice to me. So just as we call upon Holy Spirit and the angels for assistance we can gain healing from joining with our brothers as well.

The same goes for our very own purpose. Lesson 267 further tells us, “I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in Love and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms.” This quote shows us that as we remain open to divine guidance, we ourselves are used to help accomplish God’s purposes and will be sustained as an extension of His Love.

How blessed we are to have so much love and assistance ‘hovering near and all about’ for the asking… Thank you Father for our vast inheritance!

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