Sunday, 20 June 2010

Let all Things Be As They Are

When people and situations in my life start to move around and change, my first reaction is usually to resist, question or analyse the who, why and what ifs. But when I remember that everything is just perfect however it is, I receive a wonderful blessing from Spirit…Peace.

I love the A Course in Miracles lesson that says, “Let all things be exactly as they are” because it reminds me to let go of my desire to control, fix or manage. It allows me to take a deep breath and just relax. I momentarily step out of the drivers seat and know that I will be chauffeured under Spirit Power, and I will always be safely and lovingly driven home.

Letting all things be as they are also allows me to be myself. My true Self; the Self that is only love, peace, and joy. I remember that I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because God will direct me in all things. What a relief it is to know that I never have to struggle, strive or strain. I don’t have to plan, figure or formulate. I can just allow myself to be carried without effort and without care like a leaf gently floating down a calm, quiet stream.

Letting all things be as they are also means that I can release all judgment and attachment to outcomes. I remember that I don’t have to decide what anything means on my own. I can simply step back and let Holy Spirit lead the way…

The big question for myself however is, can I TRUST that all things are PERFECT just as they are? Can I step back and allow myself to be led? Can I for five minutes release the reigns and know without a doubt that my future rests safely in the Hands of God?

When I ask myself these questions, the answer comes back a resounding YES! But it takes practice. Practice monitoring my thoughts and remembering to choose peace first; practice continually handing over my concerns and false beliefs over to Holy Spirit for healing and most helpful, practice demonstrating faith that all things are secure within the Mind of God.

When I let all things be exactly as they are, I am completely free. My joy is increased exponentially and everything just seems to flow naturally which contributes to my sense of trust even more----

Thank you Beloved Spirit for your loving reminders of the ever-present reality of the truth of Who I Am. I’m grateful for God’s Love, Light and Knowledge. Mostly, thank you for helping me to see the wisdom in allowing all things to be exactly as they are.


Rev. Julieanne Paige, O.M.C. said...

Hi Cheryl :)

I love these articles. 'Let All Things Be As They Are' is a really powerful idea. It definitely tests us to see if we truly know that everything is perfect where it is and for us to surrender to what is... and hopefully we decide to surrender to what is really real ;)

Much Love xxx


Rev. Julieanne Paige, O.M.C. said...

... And thank you so much for the links xxx