Spiritual AwakeningMany of us learned as children in Sunday school that God is Love. We also learned that the Bible teaches that man (or woman) was created in God’s image. If this idea is true, it would make us the same as God: Perfect Love.
The spiritual text A Course in Miracles explains that Love is not separate. Love is One and encompasses All (God is All in All). This Oneness is the true state of all creation, human and non-human, and is also known as the Son of God or the Christ.
Although creation enjoyed this state for some time, at some point the Christ or Son of God chose to forget its natural state and allowed itself to drift off into a deep sleep. In fact, in the Bible we are told that Adam fell into a deep sleep and nowhere is there mention of his waking up.
However, within this deep sleep we dream. And in this ‘dream’ we experience a body, a life, relationships and issues that are not real. The part of our mind that creates this illusion or projection is known as the ego. It is the ego state of mind that makes it all seem real because in the dream it is real…
Yet, because of the pain, suffering and eventual death we experience in this dream we long to awaken and remember the Perfect Love and Oneness of our true Self, or Christ, as we were originally created. This eventual remembering or awareness is also known as spiritual awakening. To experience it fully, is known as enlightenment such as that of Jesus, the Buddha or other Ascended Masters.
For most people, spiritual awakening and full spiritual enlightenment does not happen overnight. In fact, the Course says it would be quite a shock to the system if it were to occur before the student is ready. Instead, with the help of the quiet guidance of our Inner Teacher, also known as God’s Voice or the Holy Spirit in our minds, we wake up gently, a little at a time.
When we are willing, our Inner Teacher gently corrects our perceptions and mistaken thoughts to help us experience life, even while still perceiving ourselves as in the dream, with more honesty, trust and love. Peace, joy and contentment are the result. A Course in Miracles calls this prelude to full enlightenment the “Happy Dream.”
When we are ready, God Himself takes the final step and we are once again reunited with our true Self, at One with God and All that Is. This “waking up” is what Jesus refers to in the Bible as the Wedding Banquet. In fact, he assures us that although we may all take different roads to get to the Banquet, we all arrive eventually.
Isn’t it wonderful to know that spiritual awakening is a loving, gentle process and that no matter what road we take or how long it takes we are all guaranteed enlightenment. This is because it is impossible for anything God creates to change (because all things are created perfect as He is perfect). Therefore in truth, we have not changed except in our minds.
Spiritual awakening is thus simply a process of remembering; allowing Holy Spirit to undo the ego-mind that continues to project our false belief in being separate from our Source and each other. Once this ‘undoing’ is complete the only thing left is our true Reality--- We are Awake!
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